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25 February, 2011

WORLD INVASION: BATTLE LOS ANGELES j(just new lounching hoolywood film.)

I would like to say that this movie lives up to you're expectations if you are expecting the right things. This is an alien invasion movie so you must remember that throughout the movie. It is similar to Skyline but better and on that note Skyline was not a bad movie. When I go to see a movie like this I expect big booms and big aliens and that is what you get from this movie. I rate it an 8 out of 10 for alien invasion style movies. They all cant be Independence Day! The story line is a little tired but what else is there really to talk about in a story like this. From the military aspect of it they show some nice weaponry which is always a plus. The aliens are pretty well done too. The film is a little jerky but who wants to watch still frames the whole time, you may as well watch a slide show if thats what you want. Well done!

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